Distributed Order Management (DOM)

Intelligent hub for order sourcing, routing and fulfillment

Superior customer fulfillment with Softeon Distributed Order Management

The customer fulfillment process for high-volume warehouse operations follows complex business rules. Order fulfillment requires automation at a high level to ensure accuracy of orders, quality customer service and profits. World-class order management and fulfillment requires not only innovative WMS, but an order orchestrator to provide complete visibility and control of the order lifecycle from inception to delivery.

Softeon’s distributed order management (DOM) solution expertly manages order fulfillment across the supply chain. The DOM intelligent hub orchestrates order lifecycle management to reach vendors, suppliers and customers and automatically evaluates fulfillment options to determine the optimal strategy. DOM extends deep into the demand network – outside the four walls – to interface with supply chain planning and other business intelligence systems for true collaboration.

Softeon Distributed Order Management: an adaptable business process engine that accepts orders from multiple channels and determines the best fulfillment strategy to increase supply network flexibility, efficiency and customer service.

DOM manages order repositories from any channel including websites, smart phones, stores, customer service and email. Whether you run high-performance 3PL distribution center operations, or other multi-party, multi-tiered fulfillment processes, use DOM to:

  • Manage the order lifecycle with the Softeon powerful rules engine to segment and prioritize orders, hold and release orders, and source to optimize against capacity, inventory, delivery or other constraints
  • Set customer-driven rules like fill-kill, allocation or shipment consolidation and manage release of orders
  • Orchestrate inbound order flow and inventory re-balance flows
  • Manage complex Returns Process Management such as process returns at intermediate and final destination or product and inventory excess assessment
  • Ensure SLAs are met with multi-site sourcing for a single order

DOM delivers benefits of Softeon core technology

Softeon’s service-oriented architecture, rules-based engine and component-based design allow for rapid onboarding and keeping pace with changing business needs economically. Our core technology features flexible integration adaptors for WMS, ERP and other third-party systems without extensive customization.



Softeon Distributed Order Management (DOM) is an intelligent hub that orchestrates orders between vendors, suppliers and customers at a high level and evaluates fulfillment options to determine an optimal fulfillment strategy.




Experience a best-in-class supply chain with Softeon DOM for:

  • Increased on-time and complete deliveries
  • Increased end-to-end order fulfillment quality
  • Reduced order fulfillment costs and end-to-end cycle times
  • Reduced inventory carrying costs
  • Optimized total delivery costs

Get the Softeon Advantage with DOM.

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Softeon Headquarters
11700 Plaza America Drive
Suite 910
Reston, VA, USA 20190
(703) 793-0005
(703) 793-1604
Softeon LATAM
Monte Rosa 255, Piso 4
Chacarilla, Surco Lima 33
+511 625 9941
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