Direct Store Delivery

Advanced mobile technology brings accuracy and efficiencies in delivery

In the battle against rising delivery costs, routes and deliveries must run with military precision. Direct store delivery (DSD) calls for automation where load planning, pre-sold and peddle (driver sold) routes and driver settlement processes are synced with warehousing and accounting functions. Softeon DSD supports pre-sales and peddle sales operations.

Softeon DSD enables drivers to capture orders and customer signatures as well as perform invoicing, all on site, for faster payment and accurate accounting. The solution is ideal for food and beverage distributors, parts suppliers and e-commerce operators (web stores) that deliver products to stores, distribution centers or directly to consumers.

Softeon DSD improves driver route management, pre-sales and peddle sales with:

Mobile Services:

    • Device agnostic, mobile (PDA) based order capture with state-of-the-art hand-held screen functionality for easy order management, invoice generation and returns management
    • Load planning based on statistical analysis of historical data

Direct Store Delivery operations:

    • Improve driver productivity: bay-based load planning for peddle routes and checker management for loads in and out improves driver efficiency
    • Minimize delivery issues with a driver-friendly solution: since the Softeon load planning module seamlessly integrates with Softeon WMS, the system ensures the right quantity is loaded on the right truck in the optimum and most efficient sequence
    • Control rising delivery costs: reduce delivery errors, streamline the returns process, reduce returns of the wrong product and when trucks return to the warehouse, minimize time to reconcile
    • Manage SKU proliferation and manage growth: scalable and adaptable to even the largest distribution landscapes, the solution manages increasing product choices and store-specific product assortments
    • Product returns management: allows for proper identification and accounting of good products, out-of-date products, damaged products, etc. and accounts for breakage, invalid lot-code products and other return situations to take products back to inventory and posts to the inventory host system at the general ledger level

Advanced Route Reconciliation:

  • Functionality provides real-time visibility to daily driver Inventory and Money settlements besides posting to GL/AR/AP

Sales and delivery gain the operational edge with Softeon technology

DSD seamlessly integrates with Softeon WMS for even greater warehouse and performance delivery to minimize order picking and loading errors. Softeon DSD works well with your own WMS and easily integrates with accounting and other enterprise systems. The solution also operates as a stand-alone solution.

Web-based intuitive functionality – the hallmark of Softeon supply chain management solutions – means your organization saves on training and new employees get up to speed quickly. Discover the Softeon Advantage today.

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Softeon Headquarters
11700 Plaza America Drive
Suite 910
Reston, VA, USA 20190
(703) 793-0005
(703) 793-1604
Softeon LATAM
Monte Rosa 255, Piso 4
Chacarilla, Surco Lima 33
+511 625 9941
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