Business Overview:

  •  Casey’s was founded in 1959 as a single convenience store in Des Moines, Iowa
  • Today, Casey’s stores are a custom in small communities and there are over 1,900 open
  • All Casey's stores were serviced weekly by a fleet of trucks from a single distribution center until February 2016, when Casey's opened a second distribution center

Business Objectives:

  • Casey’s homegrown WMS system could not be easily updated and maintained
  • Previous system was not designed to include their second distribution center
  • They needed a WMS that was flexible, robust, and could easily integrate into their existing IT systems
  • Required a system that would provide corporate wide visibility to all data in real time, and support automation and voice operations
  • A guaranteed cost and time frame for completion was a must



  • Paperless receiving process
  • Load planning allows the ability to view a trailer before loading and has significantly improved time and labor efficiency
  • Increased visibility and accuracy in receiving activity
  • Enhanced record keeping of all warehouse functions